Overhead Wire presents...
Overhead Wires Music are very proud to a belter of a blues rock act from Sussex's own salty shores. Presenting... JUNKYARD SONS "Sounding like Clutch and RL Burnside with a buffet of sour mash for company, Junkard Sons are a blazing 5 piece blues rock n roll band with a penchant for overdriven riffs to bite into the very soul and refuse to let go until you're dancing with hellfire itsself" www.junkyardsons.co.uk Fantastic support on the evening comes from: DEAD WHISKY Brighton based 3 piece. Slide guitar, slide bass, drums and 2 lead singers. Songs about life, whisky and women. www.deadwhisky.co.uk BROKEN EARS James, Nick, Jon, Lewis and Steve make Americana. But faster. And louder. As a drunk man once said; "it sounds like Tom Waits on coke" https://brokenearsmusic.bandcamp.com/ Doors: 8pm Tickets: £4 (+ 40p booking fee) available from www.overheadwiresmusic.com £6 on the door (limited availability) Venue: The Brunswick (Venue), 1-3 Holland Road, Hove, BN3 1JF www.thebrunswick.net Age Restrictions: 18+ Contact: info@overheadwiresmusic.com