The Game - 2017
"Well its August Time '53..."
The opening track from our 2019 release, this is a dark, brooding track of love, lies and live altering changes...
Why '53? Maybe something to do with Castro and Cuba, or Russia and the H bomb, the growth in power of unions in the UK, the end of the Korean War whatever it was it was a time of change...
It Aint Easy - 2013
This track is about a young singer, songwriter Maisie Joan who thankfully was supported by her parents but many out there are not had have to start the normal dance of work to pay bills and never get to live their real life.

Casino - 2013
Some little old Japanese man playing the tables in a smokey casino was the inspiration for this little played track. Something for when we need to chill the set down and give you time to recover!

August Moon - 2014
Following on from Casino we have another chilled out number in August Moon.
Go - 2016
Our radio anthem - you want to sing along then here's your chance, if you've ever loved and been hurt - this song is about that moment of awakening.
A broken heart repaired, self-respect redeemed, a phoenix new-found wings - a fresh start begun, the strength to carry on - the affernmation of a new dawn

Cigar Box Blues - 2014
Cigar Box Blues on a cigar box guitar - made by our guitarist Cy Farrell - slighty different each time, born from a good ol' traditional blues jam!
The Murder of Mary Jane - 2013
Fan favourite from Junkyard Sons - this is the story of an innocent man wrongly accused, wrongly convicted and now on Death Row for the murder of his girl, Mary Jane. Listen to the bass line echo his heart rate as he relives his woeful story in the last minutes of his live... Will this innocent man be given a reprieve - or just a release - listen and make up your own mind...